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W/R Enroll

Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll

This tab allows you to view and update a student's withdrawal and reentry records at the campus.

The W/R Enroll tab is not available until you retrieve a student on the Student Enrollment page. For a new student, you must enter and save all required data on Demo1 before proceeding to this tab.

Withdrawing a No Show Student

Reentering a No Show Student

Update data:

The student’s existing withdrawal/reentry records are displayed. If the most recent row contains an exit date and withdrawal reason code, you can add a record.

❏ Click +Add to add a record.

The fields below the grid are enabled.


The campus ID to which you logged on is displayed.

SchoolId - Element: E0266

Entry Date
Exit Date

To withdraw a student, type the exit date in the MMDDYYYY format. The date should be the school date following the last day the student was enrolled, and it must be later than the campus entry date and latest reentry date.

NOTE: When you withdraw a student from a campus, the student is automatically withdrawn from all course records and special programs. The student’s grade-course records on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Crs Assign will be listed as withdrawn (when Include All WD Courses is selected on that tab).

Click to add comments to the student's W/R enrollment record. The W/R Enroll Comment window opens.

1. Add or update comments as needed.

2. Click OK.

3. You must click Save on the Student Enrollment page in order to save the updated data.

A red comment icon red comments icon indicates that W/R enrollment comments exist for the student. You can view existing comments by hovering with your mouse over the red comments icon in the grid.

NOTE: W/R enrollment comments can only be added to a student record prior to transferring the student to another campus.

The icon is only displayed for the current year.

The following reports have a parameter that allows you to print W/R enrollment comments:

Student Status Changes by Program - SRG1100
Student Status Changes by Program - SRG1200


If you are withdrawing the student, click to select the withdrawal reason.
Codes 02, 04, 09, 10, 14, 15, 19, 22, 30, 44, 61, 72, 79, and 84 are converted to PEIMS code 98.

Codes 21, 31, 63, 64, and 80 are converted to “mover” and are not extracted for PEIMS.

EP (exit program) is not a valid withdrawal reason code on this tab.

code 33 add button

1. Click Code 33 status change to do a status change.

• A row is added to the grid that displays the default entry date, which is the same as the withdrawal date. This ensures that you do not lose any membership days by typing the incorrect entry date for the status change.

• The fields below the grid are enabled. The fields display the data from the previous row by default.

2. Modify any information that changed for the entry date.

3. Click Save to save the status change.

If the entry date and exit date are the same on the row, this button is not available.

code 33 undo button

If you entered a status change in error (e.g., the wrong student or wrong withdrawal or entry date), click Under status code 33 button to remove the status change for the student. When you save, the exit date and exit reason are cleared, and the new row is removed from the grid.

1. Click Code 33 button in the the second row. This creates a new row (now 3 rows).

2. Click Under status code 33 button in the second row. This removes the third row.

3. Click Under status code 33 button in the first row. This will remove the second row leaving one remaining.

4. Make the change and click Save.

ET Verify

Select the status of the enrollment event.

1 = Verified
3 = Calendar
4 = Delete

Status Cd

The value from the Record Status field on the Demo1 tab is displayed.

Changes to the following fields usually occur when there is a status change (withdrawal reason code 33). The new information is entered upon reentry.

Exclusion Code

If the student's exclusion code has changed, indicate if the student should be excluded from attendance and/or grade reporting. Otherwise, leave blank.

Grade Level

If the student's grade level has changed, select the student's new grade level. Otherwise, leave blank.

Eligibility Code

If the student's eligibility code has changed, indicate the student's ADA eligibility. Otherwise, leave blank.

NOTE: If you change the following demographic information for a student making that student ineligible for Census Block reporting, the census block data will be cleared for the student on State Reporting > Maintenance > Fall > Student > Demo:

Eco Disadvan (Demo1) is not 00, and
Elig Code (Demo1 or W/R Enroll) is 1-3, 6, or 7, and
Homeless Status Cd (Demo3) is 0, and
Attribution Cd (Demo1 or W/R Enroll) is not 21 or 23
Physical Address (Demo1)

CTE Elig

If the student is enrolled in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course, select or clear the field if the student's eligibility for CTE contact hours has changed.

You can change this field for a student who has withdrawn from your campus and transferred to another campus in the district during the same school year.

Usually students placed in a discipline setting for more than five consecutive days are not eligible to earn CTE contact hours. For more information, see the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, Section 5 - Career and Technical Education.


If the student's attendance track has changed, select the student's new track. Otherwise, leave blank.

If changing the track results in a change in grade reporting semesters or semester begin/end dates for this enrollment record, a warning message is displayed prompting you to verify the course entry/withdrawal dates. The dates are displayed on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Crs Assign.

NOTE: Only students in grades PK-5 will be able to enroll in Track 01, Instructional Program Type 16.

Attribution Cd

If the student's attribution code has changed, indicate the new way in which the student attends school. Otherwise, leave blank.

If set to 00, 12, 22, 24, 26, or 28, the Camp Id Resid (or Camp Resid or Campus of Residence) field must be blank.

If set to 03, 06, 07, or 10, the Camp Id Resid (or Camp Resid or Campus of Residence) field cannot be blank, and the first six characters of the Camp Id Resid (or Camp Resid or Campus of Residence) cannot match the district ID.

Edits do not apply to charter schools.

NOTE: If you change the following demographic information for a student making that student ineligible for Census Block reporting, the census block data will be cleared for the student on State Reporting > Maintenance > Fall > Student > Demo:

Eco Disadvan (Demo1) is not 00, and
Elig Code (Demo1 or W/R Enroll) is 1-3, 6, or 7, and
Homeless Status Cd (Demo3) is 0, and
Attribution Cd (Demo1 or W/R Enroll) is not 21 or 23
Physical Address (Demo1)

Camp Resid

If the campus of residency has changed, type the nine-digit campus ID corresponding to the new campus attendance area in which the student resides. Otherwise, leave blank.

The field cannot be blank if Attribution Cd is 03, 06, 07, or 10.

Camp Account
Residential Facility

(2019-2020 school year and later) Select if the student resides in a residential care and treatment facility within the district's boundaries or jurisdiction.

This field is automatically selected if the campus has Campus-wide Residential Facility selected on Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Control Info, but will not be saved until you click Save.

When Residential Facility is selected (or if the campus has Campus-wide Residential Facility selected on Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Control Info), the following fields are displayed:

Attendance Zone

Type the nine-digit TEA-assigned number for the campus the student is expected to attend based on the geographic location (address) of the residential facility in which the student resides. This may or may not be the same as the Campus ID of Enrollment.

Length Stu Sch Day

Type the number of minutes in the student’s school day.

Educated At Facility

Select if the student is educated at or in the general location of the residential facility.

Length Campus Sch Day

Type the number of minutes of the traditional home campus school day for a non-disabled peer.

Surrogate Parent

Select if student requires a surrogate parent. This field is required when Nbr Other Stu Assigned is 0-25.

Prior Instr Setting

Select the student’s most recent instructional setting before entering the residential facility.

Nbr Other Stu Assigned

Type the number of other students who are assigned to the same surrogate parent. Valid values are 0-25.

Residential Facility ID

Select the ID of the facility. The list of available facilities is maintained on Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Control Info under Residential Facility Options.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Spyglass Icon Edit a record.
Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
Comments View or add comments.
TEA Unique IDRequest an Unique ID from the state.
Hist DirectoryRetrieve a student enrolled in a prior school year.
Bus InfoView or update the student's bus information.
The button does not appear until you retrieve a student on the Student Enrollment page.
Medical Alert button View medical alert.
DocumentsView or attach supporting documentation.
registration/maintenance/studentenrollment/wrenroll.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/28 19:58 by apape