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TxEIS Grade Reporting - Recalculate Historical Grade Averages

Recalculating historical grade averages may be necessary for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Grade averaging was done incorrectly for an individual student or group of students in the prior school year.
  • Grade averaging was not completed before you ran Move to Grade Reporting (MTGR).
  • Summer school grades were not entered before you ran MTGR.
  • You determined that a course was set up incorrectly in the prior school year.
  • You found a duplicate course on the transcript and need to move the duplicated course to the local category. If the local district GPA policy states these courses are not included in the calculations, the GPA will need to be adjusted.

There are two methods for recalculating historical grade averages:

When the student’s grades, credits, and/or GPA override are updated, you can recalculate the student’s overall grade point average (GPA) using numeric, grade point, or 4-point averaging. Or, if you make changes to the total credits, credit level, GA table, or GA Weight fields for prior years in the District Master Schedule, you must run the Historical Grade Averaging utility, as those changes will affect the student grade averaging and class ranking for that school year.

NOTE: The prior year Rank field on the Grade Avg tab is only updated if it has never been run for that campus, school year, and grade level. If there is even one student grade averaging record with a rank for that school year, campus, and grade level, Rank will not be changed for any student for that school year, campus, and grade level.


  • This guide assumes you are familiar with the basic features of the TxEIS Student system and have reviewed the TxEIS Student Overview guide.

  • You must be granted historical update access in Security Administration to update data for a prior year.

GPA vs. Historical GPA:

  • Grade Point Average (GPA) - A number representing the average value of the accumulated semester grades earned in courses over time. More commonly referred to as GPA, a student's grade point average is calculated by adding up all accumulated semester grades and dividing that figure by the number of grades awarded.

  • Historical Grade Averaging - Allows you to re-figure a student’s GPA from a previous school year when errors are found.

I. Before You Begin

II. Update Historical Data

Student Grade Data

IMPORTANT: Grade corrections are not common. Be sure to follow district policy, as well as the most recent Minimum Standards for the AAR guidelines (section 1.10 - Corrections) which states that each correction must be supported by documentation showing what was originally recorded on the AAR, the correction(s) made, and the reason(s) for the correction(s).

  • Update the student’s grade average for a prior year.
  • Enter student summer school grade averages.

District Master Schedule Data

III. Recalculate Historical Averages


  • Run the Historical Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility.


  • Recalculate the grade point average using Cumulative Courses tab.

IV. After You Recalculate

The Historical Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility provides a report that allows you to verify results for the group. However, you may also need to verify individual student data using the following tools:

After recalculating historical grade averages, it may be necessary to calculate cumulative grade averages.

  • Run the Cumulative Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility.
academy/student/grade_reporting_recalculate_historical_grade_averages.1539707263.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/16 11:27 (external edit)