ASCENDER Scheduling - Automated (Step 2)

Option 2: MSALGO

The automated scheduling process involves entering student course requests (Step 1), and using Master Schedule Generator or MSALGO to create the campus master schedule (section and meeting times) (Step 2), and to create student schedules (Step 3).

Step 2 covers creating course-sections in the next year master schedule using MSALGO.

IMPORTANT: Do not proceed unless Automated - Step 1 is completed.

MSALGO allows you to build a master schedule by viewing class period conflicts in relation to section placement, and determining the periods in which to place the classes.

Before running the MSALGO export, student course requests must be entered and verified as accurate. Placement of courses is based on potential student conflicts.

  1. Run the Tally of Course Request (Next Yr) report.
  2. Run additional reports.
  3. Run the MSALGO export.
  4. Set options for running MSALGO.
  5. Build sections.
  6. Place sections.
  7. (Optional) Start over if needed.
  8. Run MSALGO reports.
  9. Run the Move MSALGO Sections to ASCENDER utility.