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Manage Elementary Skills-Based Courses

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TeacherPortal Admin > Elementary Report Cards > Manage Elementary Skills-Based Courses

This page is only available to users who log on to TeacherPortal with a district- or campus-level security administrator user ID.

This page allows you to associate a course (and all of its sections) with a specific elementary skills-based report card. The settings for the report card determine how grading is handled for the course.

NOTE: If a section is added to a course after the course is selected for elementary skills-based grading, the new section will not have elementary skills-based grading associated with it.

Manage Skills-Based Courses page

Update data:

Courses that are eligible to be set up to use elementary skills-based grading report cards are listed.

Courses that are being used as category- or standards-based/skill-referenced courses (e.g., a category-based course that has one or more categories assigned) are not eligible to be used as an elementary skills-based course.

Course NameTo narrow the list of courses, type all or part of a course name and click Search. The list is filtered according to the data you entered.
Report Card TypeFor each course, select the report card type. The types list is pre-set. You can customize each type on Admin > Elementary Report Cards > Manage Elementary Skills-Based Report Cards.

❏ Click Save.

admin/adminelemskillsbasedcourses.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/21 14:28 by jstanford