ASCENDER - Position Management: Setup and Processing for New Users

The purpose of this document is to guide you through the necessary steps to begin using the Position Management application.

This document assumes you are familiar with the basic features of the ASCENDER Business system and have reviewed the ASCENDER Business Overview guide.

Some of the images and/or examples provided in this document are for informational purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA’s process.

Set up Position Management Current Year Payroll Tables

  1. Review and/or update job codes.
  2. Update salary tables.
  3. Update school calendar.
  4. Set up next school year pay dates.
  5. Clear next year payroll tables and copy all tables from current to next year.
  6. Copy current year staff to next year payroll.

Set up District Administration Options

  1. Update Position Management options.
  2. Set up category codes.
  3. Update first pay date codes.
  4. Set up action reason codes.
  5. Set up inactivate reason codes.
  6. Transfer positions from one first pay date code to another.
  7. Update forecast conversion data.

Import Position and Distribution Data

  1. Import checklists.
  2. Verify imported data.

Perform Position Management Maintenance

Log on to the next year.

  1. Delete next year PMIS.
  2. Copy current year positions to the next year.
  3. Update the fiscal year for distributions.
  4. Generate the Position Listing by Campus Report.
  5. (If necessary) Update regular and supplemental positions.
  6. Generate the PMIS/Payroll Discrepancy Report.
  7. Generate a user-created report.
  8. Update position records.