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FIN1400 - Detail General Ledger

Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Journals, Checks, Detail Ledgers > Detail General Ledger

The report displays a list of accounts and all transactions posted against them for the selected accounting period with an option of reporting monthly; year-to-date; or year-to-date, current, and next. Use the soft encumbrance option to include or exclude soft encumbrances. Report information is displayed based on the masked account codes set in the User Profiles table for the logged-on user.


  • If any errors are encountered while running this report, an error listing is printed at the end of the report. The user can use this information to locate the account code that is in error. The error for the specific account code is printed at the end of the account code line. The following are the errors that may be displayed:
  • Transactions do not equal balance - There are transactions, but the beginning amounts plus the transactions do not equal the ending amounts.
  • EOM does not equal balance - There are no transactions, but the beginning amounts and the ending amounts are not equal.
  • Error suspect records - Class does not equal 1-8.
  • The report header includes a Report Type field (e.g., Report Type: A/A) that is a summary of the report parameters that were chosen when the report was run.
  • The first letter represents the Use Current (C), Year-To-Date (Y), Year-To-Date, Current, Next (A) report parameter.
  • The second letter represents the Accounting Period Current (C), All (A) report parameter.
Parameter Parameter Description
Use Current (C), Year-To-Date (Y), Year-To-Date, Current, Next (A)

C - Include the current reporting month on the report.

Y - Include the year-to-date transactions on the report.

A - Include the year-to-date transactions (current and next year) on the report.

This is a required field.

Accounting Period Current (C), All (A)

C - Include the current year accounting period on the report.

A - Include all accounting periods on the report.

This is a required field.

Print Vendor Name (N), Reason (R)

N - Print the vendor name on the report.

R - Print the reason on the report.

This is a required field.

Include Requisition soft encumbrance transactions when PO encumbrance exists? (Y/N)

Y - Include requisition soft encumbrance transactions on the report when a purchase order encumbrance exists.

N - Do not include requisition soft encumbrance transactions on the report when a purchase order encumbrance exists.

This is a required field.

Use Check date (C) or Transaction date (T) for check transactions

C - Use the check date for check transactions on the report.

T - Use the transaction date for check transactions on the report.

This is a required field.

Select Fund(s), or blank for ALL

Type the three-digit fund number separating multiple fund numbers with a comma (e.g., 161 / 8,199 / 8). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for funds/years. Otherwise, leave blank to use all fund numbers.

Generate the report.

finance/reports/financereports/journalschecksdetailledgers/detailgeneralledger.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/17 19:31 by emoreno