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Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic Information

This tab is used to enter employee demographic data including name, address, phone number, and emergency information. The data on this tab is used throughout the system.


  • Warning: If the School Year for PEIMS Codes field does not contain a valid value on the Personnel or Payroll > Tables > District HR Options page, values are not displayed in the PEIMS drop-down fields (e.g., Sex, Ethnicity, etc.).
  • ED20 (Demo) and ED25 (Demo Adj) records are automatically created when any demographic information changes are made on this tab. ED25 records are not created for changes made to a terminated employee's demographic record.
  • If an ED20 record has been submitted and corrections are required, submit an ED25 record the following month. Do not send both an ED20 and an ED25 record for the same employee in the same month.

Personnel Demographic Information Tab

The following fields are required to save a new employee record:

  • First and Last Name
  • Staff ID/SSN
  • Sex
  • DOB
  • Ethnicity
  • Race

❏ Complete the necessary fields. If you do not have all of the necessary information at this time, be sure to complete this page at a later time.

❏ Click Add Emp to add a new employee record. A blank record is displayed allowing you to begin entering data.

  • If the Auto Assign Employee Number field is selected on the Payroll or Personnel > Tables > District HR Options page, the employee is assigned the next available employee number upon saving the record.
  • If the Auto Assign Employee Number field is not selected, in the Employee field, type an employee number and click Retrieve. If the employee number is available, the following message is displayed:

    Click Yes to continue and create the record. Otherwise, click No.

Add demographic information.

The following demographic tabs are not required to create a new employee record; however, they should be completed if the information is available.

Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Credentials

This tab contains the following employee information categories: education, certification, special credentials, permit, and permit area. The categories contain specific details about where the degree was received, as well as specifics about the certificates and special permits obtained by the employee.

This data is retrieved from the Personnel > Tables > Credential tabs.

The Teaching Specialization field is a PEIMS Reporting Element if it is associated with a PEIMS PK Teacher Requirement. Per TEA, if an LEA offers a four-year-old prekindergarten program, the program is considered a high-quality prekindergarten program. For additional information about the High-Quality Prekindergarten Program, review TEA website:

Personnel Credentials Tab

Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Verification

This tab displays employee demographic information in addition to hiring, contract, and salary data. (Contract and salary data is based on the current logged-on pay frequency.)

Employee data on this page is display only for verification purposes and cannot be changed. Use the applicable maintenance pages to make changes.

Personnel Verification Tab

Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Insurance

This tab contains insurance information for the employee. The data includes the insurance company, the plan type, coverage information, the individuals covered by the plan, and the demographics of the covered dependents.

Since ACA is reported over a calendar year, some employees may have multiple rows if they changed insurance companies during the last enrollment period and you added insurance codes for each plan.

If this data is maintained throughout the calendar year for all applicable employees, you can use the Personnel > Utilities > Extract Insurance Data to 1095 Data page to extract insurance data from this tab to the Personnel > Maintenance > ACA 1095 YTD Data maintenance page(s). Most data will populate accurately; however, there are some records that may require manual edits.

Personnel Insurance Tab

Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Service Record

This tab contains service information for the employee. The data includes specific positions held, years of experience, service dates, as well as state and personal leave information. An employee may have multiple service records.

Personnel Service Record Tab

Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Responsibility

This tab is used to maintain job responsibility records for employees, which is used for state reporting purposes. Although responsibility records retrieve the necessary data from the Master Schedule for most classroom teachers, other employees such as administrators and classroom aides must be manually entered on this tab. Employees who have responsibilities at more than one campus, assume more than one role, and/or perform more than one type of service will have multiple records.

Review the Responsibilities - Quick Reference Chart.

Visit the TSDS Web-Enabled Data Standards website, select the appropriate School Year, and review the Data Components > Entities > StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation Entity page for additional guidance on entering responsibility records.

Note: If you need to delete a responsibility record for multiple employees, use the Personnel > Utilities > Mass Delete > Responsibility Data page.

Personnel Responsibility Tab

general/newemployeesetup/createemployeedemorecord.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/14 15:05 by emoreno