ASCENDER - New Employee Setup

Created: 06/28/2018
Reviewed: 05/04/2023
Revised: 05/04/2023

The purpose of this document is to guide you through the process of setting up a new hire in ASCENDER. The tasks to create a new employee record are done in both Payroll and Personnel.

This document assumes you are familiar with the basic features of the ASCENDER Business system and have reviewed the ASCENDER Business Overview guide.

Some of the images and/or examples provided in this document are for informational purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA’s process.

Before You Begin

Review the following information and/or complete the listed steps before creating a new employee record.

Review terms:

The following terms are used throughout this document.

Term Description
Payroll frequencyThe amount of time between an employee’s paydays. There are three pay frequency options:

4 biweekly - employee receives pay every two weeks
5 semimonthly - employee receives pay twice a month
6 monthly - employee receives pay once a month

Each pay frequency exists in the current and next year payroll periods.

You must log on to a pay frequency to view the associated payroll records.
Pay Typespay type 1 - contracted employee
pay type 2 - non-contracted employee
pay type 3 - hourly employee
pay type 4 - substitute

Although all of the fields on the Demographic and Staff Job/Pay Data tabs are not required to create a new employee record, some of the fields are required and used for reporting to the following agencies.

AgencyReporting Type
Texas Education Agency (TEA)PEIMS data reporting
Teacher Retirement System (TRS)TRS reporting
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)Tax reporting
Social Security Administration (SSA)Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance reporting
Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)Unemployment reporting

❏ Log on to the TRS Reporting Entity Portal to verify the employee's TRS status.

  • Verify if the new member contribution is due.
  • Verify if the employee is a TRS retiree. If so, verify the retiree's retirement date to determine if any surcharges are due. Use this information to correctly identify the employee as a retiree on the Payroll > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Pay Info tab and charge the Retiree Care Surcharge, if applicable.

❏ Obtain the employee's contract or employee agreement to reference important details needed to create the employee's record.

❏ If the employee was previously employed by another LEA and you are waiting for the service record originals via mail, you may want to try to obtain a service record copy via fax in order to continue with the process.

❏ Follow your LEA procedures to obtain employee Unique ID numbers through TEA’s Texas Student Data System (TSDS).

Review the PEIMS Reporting Elements.

Review the required TRS Reporting Data Fields. (prints separately)

Review the FICA/Medicare - Quick Reference. (prints separately)

New Employee Document Checklist

New Employee Setup - Quick Reference by Pay Type

Create an ASCENDER Employee Record

  1. Create the employee demographic record.
  2. Enter job/pay data.