Payroll > Utilities > Payroll Simulation > Job Info
The Payroll Simulation tabs are used to create simulated payrolls for individual employees or groups of employees. This feature can show new employees what their checks will be or to show existing employees the changes to their paychecks before the changes become effective.
The Job Info tab is used to retrieve job information for a current employee or create job information for a pending employee in the current year or next year payroll. The data allows you to create simulated payroll changes for proposed position changes or promotions. This data includes calendar data, contract information, accrual information, and specifics about the employee's salary. Before using this tab, ensure that each employee has a demographic record as created using the Demographic Information tab on the Staff Demographic page.
This tab consists of a grid at the top and a free-form area at the bottom.
❏ Under Parameters, select the employee to be retrieved.
❏ Click Execute to retrieve the selected employee.
❏ Click +Add to add a row.
❏ Under Contract Info:
❏ Click Calculate to display the Employee Salary Calculation dialog box.
❏ Under Type of Calculation, select one of the following:
Salary | Select to run the regular salary calculation. |
State Minimum Only | Select to run the state minimum calculation only. |
Apply Percent of Day Employed to Salary Amount | Select to calculate the salary for either the Salary option or the State Minimum Only option based on the percentage of day employed. |
❏ Click Execute to start the recalculation process.
❏ Click Cancel to close the page without recalculating.
When calculating a midpoint salary, if the LEA has selected the Amount option in the Distributions Built by Amt or % field of the HR Options table, the system requires that a distribution amount be greater than zero and is not saved until an amount is entered for a new employee or an employee with a salary change. Since the system is not saved with zero amounts the user has to enter an amount manually. When a manual amount is entered into the distribution amount and contract balance and the user clicks Calculate, the amounts are not changed or updated. Since midpoint has no steps, the assumption is that the employee remains at that salary level without regard to whether the employee is within minimum or maximum ranges.
When calculating a midpoint salary, if the LEA has selected the Percentage option in the Distributions Built by Amt or % field of the HR Options table, the program saves zero as an amount in distribution and contract balance allowing the percent to equal 100%. When saved without a distribution amount and a contract amount, and the user clicks Calculate, the system populates these fields automatically with amounts from the Midpoint salary table.
❏ Under State Info:
❏ Under Calendar Info/Local Info:
❏ Under Worker's Comp Info:
❏ Under Accrual Info:
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