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Pay Check - HRS7700

Payroll > Utilities > Payroll Simulation > Pay Check

The Payroll Simulation tabs are used to create simulated payrolls for individual employees or groups of employees. This feature can show new employees what their checks will be or to show existing employees the changes to their paychecks before the changes become effective.

The Pay Check tab is used to preview and print the employee's proposed paycheck. Multiple changes can be made to data records and viewed on this tab. Users can use the Calculate button to update the tab after each change has been made.

Note: When running next year payroll simulations, the TRS year is determined by increasing your computer's date value by one year.

Preview the employee payroll simulation paycheck:

❏ Under Parameters, select the employee to be retrieved.

Field Description
Pay StatusSelect whether active, inactive, or both groups are to be included in the process.
Pay TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the one-digit pay type to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Job CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the four-digit job code to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Accrual CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the one-character accrual code to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Pay GradeType the three-digit pay grade to be included in the process.
Prior Yr Emp DateType a date in the MMDDYYYY format for the previous school year reemployment date. The system will select all employees who were hired on or before that date. If there is no reemployment date from the previous school year, the system will use the employee's original employment date.
Primary CampusClick Drop-down Arrow to select the three-digit primary campus to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Pay CampusClick Drop-down Arrow to select the three-digit pay campus to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Contract Begin DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select the exact contract begin date to be included in the process.
Contract End DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select the exact contract end date to be included in the process.
Contract MonthsType the contract months to be included in the process.
Payoff DateClick Ellipsis Icon to select the payoff date to be included in the process.
Payroll FreqClick Drop-down Arrow to select the one-digit payroll frequency to be included in the process. The system is set to the current logged-on payroll frequency. A specific payroll frequency must be selected; otherwise, no data displays.
Salary ConceptClick Drop-down Arrow to select the salary concept to be used in the process. The system is set to All. However, when calculating salaries, a specific salary concept must be selected (e.g., A - Use annual salary table, D - Use hourly/daily rate table, or M - Use mid-point table). If All is selected, the system will not perform salary calculations.
Extract IDClick Drop-down Arrow to select a three-character, locally assigned code (e.g., En1 = English 1, AL2 = Algebra 2, HI4 = History 4) for grouping employees. The code is used to tag employee records for a batch process (e.g., copy or extract). Each employee must have the Extract ID set in the Employment Info tab before they can be selected using this function.
Employee NbrIf you want to update data for only one employee, type the employee number, if known. If the employee number is not known or multiple employees are needed, click Ellipsis Icon to select employees.


  • Only an active (pay status 1) employee can be processed.
  • If more than one employee is selected, the system only populates the Addendum tab with all selected employees. The other Payroll Simulation tabs are not populated.
  • Once an employee is selected, the same employee's information is presented on all tabs of the Payroll Simulation utility.
  • A specific payroll frequency must be selected before clicking Execute; otherwise, no data displays. The user can select either current year or next year frequencies. All other parameters are optional.

❏ Click Execute to retrieve the selected employee.

Review the data on the payroll check and stub. Go back to previous tabs to enter the updates or corrections.

❏ Click the Pay Check tab to view the results.

❏ Click Calculate to recalculate changes to the employee's proposed paycheck.

Note: The Simulation Pay Check Calculation Errors dialog box displays the warning and failure messages generated during the calculation process. This dialog box is not displayed if messages are not generated during the calculation process.

If data is correct, click Print to print the paycheck stub.

Other functions and features:

ResetClick to reset all previously selected parameter options to the default.
payroll/utilities/payrollsimulation/paycheck.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/01 21:56 by emoreno