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SAT0920 - Campus/District Multi-Track Summary Report

Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Audit > SAT0920 - Campus/District Multi-Track Summary Report

This report provides multi-track campus or district summary reports that meet the audit documentation requirements specified in Section 2.3 of the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. The report is for the current year only and can be run for the school year or by semester or cycle. The totals generated on the report are reported to PEIMS during Submission 3. The totals are part of the equation for determining the school district's funding for the next school year.

All tracks on a campus are summarized in the Campus Summary Report.

All campuses in the district or charter are summarized for the District Summary Report.

Additionally, after the individual cycle reports, cumulative summary reports are generated when run for a semester or school year.

The report provides the eligible/ineligible attendance days present and absent, special program contact hours, and employee full-time equivalencies (FTEs). Cumulative ADA and FTE numbers are also listed.

The report is divided into four tables:

  • Table I is a report of attendance totals by grade level. The total for all grade levels is displayed in the Total column after grade 12.
  • Table II is a report of Career and Technical Education (CTE) attendance totals and FTEs for CTE codes V1-V6.
  • Table III is a report of special education attendance totals for special education codes 00-02, 08, 30, 41-45, 81-89, and 91-98, which includes totals for eligible days by instructional setting, special education contact hours served, excess hours, total eligible contact hours, and FTE.
  • Table IV provides a count of gifted and talented students by grade level.

The SAT0920 district report for the school year can be used to compare Table I against all but the ADA and FTE results on the summary page of SAT0950.

The SAT0920 report should have the same results when the SAT0900 results are added for all tracks and run for the same campus/district, semester, or cycle parameters.

When SAT0600, SAT0900, SAT0920, SAT2100 or SAT2300 are run for the entire year (and added up, if necessary), all numbers from the summaries should be the same (within one-tenth). Note that SAT0920 does not require a user to be authorized for all campuses to run a district report that includes data from all campuses; however, the other listed reports will exclude data from a non-authorized campus, resulting in different results for a district report.

The number of days taught in a reporting period is not listed because results for multiple tracks can be calculated for the campus or campuses. The number of days taught is calculated for each individual student, regardless of the track to which the student belongs.

This report is an auditable document. See the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for more information.

NOTE: Students in GRADE-LEVEL-CODE EE can be reported with days in Bilingual/ESL if they are eligible for ADA and meet all other Bilingual Education Allotment eligibility requirements.

Users must run the Set Student CTE Indicators utility before generating the following reports, extracts or logic that rely on this utility to produce correct CTE Counts:

  • SAT0900
  • SAT0600
  • SAT0900C
  • SAT920
  • SAT950
  • SAT2100
  • SGR2500
  • PEIMS Attendance Extract

Report field descriptions (Table I)

Run the report:

Campus ID (Blank for All)

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click to select the campus. Leave blank to select all campuses in the district.

NOTE: If you select to create the report for all campuses, any campuses excluded from district reporting (i.e., campuses that have the Exclude from District Reporting field selected on Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Control Info) are not included in the report. However, you can generate the report for an individual excluded campus by entering the campus ID.

If blank, a district report is generated. The report title is District Multi-track Summary Report. Otherwise, the report title is Campus Multi-track Summary Report.

Semester (1, 2, Leave Cycle Blank)

Type the one-digit semester.

Valid semesters are 1 and 2.

For a four-semester campus, valid semesters are 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Leave blank if you are selecting a cycle.

If specified, three attendance cycles are reported. Semester summaries are printed after the cycle reports for Tables I, II, and III, and Table IV lists a Gifted and Talented Students snapshot at the end of the semester.

Cycle (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Leave Semester Blank)

Type the one-digit cycle code.

Leave blank if you are selecting a semester.

If specified, only the cycle reports for Tables I, II, III and IV are printed.

If Semester and Cycle are blank, all attendance cycles for the school year are reported. School year summaries are printed after the cycle reports for Tables I, II, and III, and Table IV lists a Gifted and Talented Students snapshot at the end of the school year.

attendance/reports/attendancereports/sat0920campusdistrictmultitracksummaryreport.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/17 15:00 by apape