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SGR1930 - Student Schedules (Plain Paper)

Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Student Schedules > SGR1930 - Student Schedules (Plain Paper)

This report prints semester schedules for one or more students at a campus, one student per page, including self-paced courses. The report is for the current year only.

Run the report:

Campus ID

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click ellipsis button to select the campus.

Semester (1, 2, 3, 4, Blank for All)

Type the one-digit semester. Valid semesters are 1 and 2.

For a four-semester campus, valid semesters are 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Leave blank to select all semesters.

Include Withdrawn Students (Y, N)

Y - Include withdrawn students.

N - Do not include withdrawn students.

Include Withdrawn Courses (Y, N)

Y - Include withdrawn courses.

N or blank - Do not include withdrawn courses.

Self-paced courses are printed even if N is selected.

Grade Level (Blank for All)

Type the two-character grade level, click ellipsis button to select the grade level, or leave blank to select all grade levels.

Control Nbr (Blank for All)

Type the three-digit control number (instructor ID), click ellipsis button to select the control number, or leave blank to select all control numbers.

Sort Order (A=Alpha, G=Grade Lvl, C=Control Nbr)

A - Sort alphabetically.

G - Sort by grade level.

C - Sort by control number.

Special Ed Students Only (Y, N)

Y - Select only special education students.

N - Select all students.

Active Instructors Only (Y, N)

Y - Select only active instructors.

N - Select all instructors, and indicate inactive instructors with a number sign (#).

Student ID (Blank for All)

Type the six-digit student ID number, including all leading zeros. Or, click to select the student. Leave blank to select all students.

gradereporting/reports/gradereportingreports/sgr1930studentschedulesplainpaper.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/22 17:28 by lrosdahl