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SGR2070 - Grd Avg Info - By Student (Info Only)

Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Grades > SGR2070 - Grd Avg Info - By Student (Info Only)

This report displays information used in calculating grade average and class rank for each of a student's courses, one student per page. The report does not update student grade averaging records, it only displays results from the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility.

The Grade column displays the course grade in the student's record. The Weighted Value column displays the grade's adjusted value after weighting is applied. The GA Wgt and GA Table are also displayed.

This report is useful because it shows how each student’s GPA was calculated for each course, including the weights, tables, and values. The report can be printed for one student, grade level, or campus. Many campuses print this report at the end of the year to file in each student’s permanent record folder.


  • If a student was withdrawn at one campus where he had at least one course grade and transfers to another campus, the student will be included when the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility when run by the first campus (if that campus selects to include withdrawn students), until the student has at least one course grade at the new campus.
  • Course-sections with the Non Campus Based field set to 08 (Credit by Exam) in the campus section record are calculated if one of the following is true:
    • Cycle grades are used (i.e., the Grds Used for Grade Avg field is set to C on Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > H Roll & Gr Avg).
    • Final grades are used (i.e., Grds Used to Grade Avg is F), and a student enrolled in the 08 section has a final grade.
    • Semester grades are used (i.e., Grds Used for Grade Avg is S) and a student enrolled in the 08 section has a semester grade.
  • Grades/Credits Reflect EOC Assessment is not included on reports from 2013-2014 forward.

Run the report:

Ending School Year (YYYY)

Type the four-digit ending school year. For example, for the 2023-2024 school year, type 2024.

Campus ID

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click ellipsis button to select the campus.

Method (G=Grade Point, N=Numeric)
Student ID (Blank for All)

Type the six-digit student ID number, including all leading zeros. Or, click to select the student. Leave blank to select all students.

If blank, students without qualifying grade course records are not processed, and the message “No grade course records found for student(s)” is displayed when the report is completed. The message lists the IDs of the bypassed students. Click OK to view a report of the students.

Only graded courses (i.e., courses with Graded Crs selected in the district master schedule) are processed for a student.

If the student has the same entry and withdrawal date for a course-section, it is only processed if the Non Campus Based field is 08 (Credit by Exam) on the campus section record, and if the semester and/or final grade has a value.

Grade Level (Blank for All)

Type the two-character grade level, click ellipsis button to select the grade level, or leave blank to select all grade levels.

If Grades used = Sem, Include Sem 1-4 (Y, N)

If semester grades are used, for semesters 1-4 indicate if you want to include the semester grade.

Y - Include the semester grade.

N or blank - Do not include the semester grade.

If Grades used = Cyc, Include Sem 1, Cyc 1-3 (Y, N)

If cycle grades are used, for semester 1-cycles 1-3 indicate if you want to include the cycle grade.

Y - Include the cycle grade.

N or blank - Do not include the cycle grade.

If Grades used = Cyc, Include Sem 2, Cyc 1-3 (Y, N)

If cycle grades are used, for semester 2-cycles 1-3 indicate if you want to include the cycle grade.

Y - Include the cycle grade.

N or blank - Do not include the cycle grade.

If Grades used = Cyc, Include Sem 3, Cyc 1 (Y, N)

If cycle grades are used, for semester 3-cycle 1 indicate if you want to include the cycle grade.

Y - Include the cycle grade.

N or blank - Do not include the cycle grade.

Process only H.S. Credit Lvl Crs for Middle School (Y, N)

Y - Include only credit level H courses in the report calculations. Middle schools should type Y. Use this report to see how grade averaging and class ranking is calculated for credit level H courses taken at the middle school.

N - Do not use this option. High schools must type N.

Exclude Stu Crs Excl from Honor Roll (Y, N)

Y - Exclude students who have taken a course excluded from honor roll, as follows:

• If the Student ID parameter blank, if a student is enrolled in any courses in which the HRoll Cd field is N (exclude student) in the district master schedule, the student is not included in the report.

• If a student ID is specified, the student is included, regardless of the HRoll Cd setting.

• If a student is not enrolled in any courses where HRoll Cd is N, but is enrolled in course(s) where HRoll Cd is E (exclude course), the courses are excluded, but the student is still eligible for grade averaging and class ranking. In this case, the courses with HRoll Cd E are listed on the report with the GA Wgt set to 0.

N or blank - Do not use this option.

Preview Errors

If errors are encountered, click to view the error report.


Exit the report.

View Crs Error List

Click to view the error report which lists the students who do not have a grade course record, and students who have an excluded course (i.e., a graded course with the same entry and withdrawal date, and a non-campus-based code that does not = 08).

Click Return to Main Report to return.

gradereporting/reports/gradereportingreports/sgr2070grdavginfobystudentinfoonly.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by