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SGR1155 - Current Cycle Averages From Grade Book

Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Report Cards > SGR1155 - Current Cycle Averages From Grade Book

This report prints working cycle averages from TeacherPortal. The report is for the current year only.

  • If a posted grade exists in ASCENDER, it is used to select the students and is displayed in the Grade column.

  • If a posted grade does not exist in ASCENDER, the working cycle average in TeacherPortal is used to select the students and is displayed in the Grade column. If an override grade exists in TeacherPortal, it is used in place of the working cycle average; the working cycle average is displayed in the Grade column, and the override grade is displayed in the Override Grade column.

  • If neither a posted grade exists in ASCENDER nor a working cycle average in TeacherPortal, the program checks if an override grade exists. If an override grade exists in TeacherPortal, it is used to select the students and is displayed in the Override Grade column. If the course has an auto grade, the auto grade is displayed in the Grade column.

  • If neither a posted grade exists in ASCENDER nor a working cycle average nor an override grade in TeacherPortal, if the course has an auto grade, the auto grade is used to select the students and is displayed in the Grade column.

Run the report:

Campus ID

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click ellipsis button to select the campus.

Rpt Type(B=Blnk, I=Incmplt, F=Failing, C=B&I, Blank=All)

B (blank) - Select only courses with a blank Grade column.

I (incomplete) - Select only courses with I in the Grade column.

F (failing) - Select only failing grades. If a grade exists in the Grade column, it is used to calculate if the course is failing.

C (blank and incomplete) - Select only courses with a blank, NG, or I in the Grade column.

blank (all) - Select all.

If B or F is selected, and Course Nbrs is blank, students in all courses with a blank or failing grade are displayed.

If F is selected and Course Nbrs is blank, only students in courses with a failing grade are displayed.

If blank and Course Nbrs contains data, a message is displayed prompting you to indicate if you want to include all students in the selected courses.

Yes - All students in the selected courses are included (similar to the Class Roll Report).

No - All students in the selected courses are included with their other courses and grades (similar to the Extra Curricular Report).

Include Withdrawn Students (Y, N)

Y - Include students who have a withdrawal date before the end date of the specified semester-cycle. Withdrawn students are indicated with an asterisk.

N - Exclude students who have a withdrawal date before the end date of the specified semester-cycle.

Example: If a student has a withdrawal date in cycle 3, the report is run for cycle 1, and the student has a grade for cycle 1, the student is included. If the report is run for cycle 3, the student is not included.

This setting overrides the Check Student Entry/WD Dates for Blank Grades (Y, N) parameter.

Include Withdrawn Courses (Y, N)

Y - Include courses with a withdrawal date before the end date of the specified semester-cycle.

N - Exclude courses that have a withdrawal date before the end date of the specified semester-cycle.

A course is not considered withdrawn and is included on the report if the course withdrawal date is after the track end date for the semester-cycle for which the report is run.

Sort Order (A=Alpha, G=Grade Lvl, C=Control Nbr)

A - Sort alphabetically.

G - Sort by grade level.

C - Sort by control number.

Course Nbrs (Blank for All)

Type the course number(s), including all leading zeros and separating multiple courses with a comma (e.g., 0100,0110). Or, click to select the course(s). Leave blank to select all courses in the district.

Print Auto Grades (Y, N)

Y - Print the value in the Auto Grd field in the district master schedule if a working cycle average does not exist for the course in TeacherPortal.

N - Do not print the auto grade.

Include Self Paced Courses (Y, N)

Y - Include self-paced courses.

N - Do not include self-paced courses.

A self-paced course is included on the report if a semester average has not been posted for the course.

If the self-paced course has a working cycle average in TeacherPortal, the current average is displayed on the report.

If the self-paced course does not have a working cycle average or semester average, the course is included on the report with a blank current average.

Include Non Graded Courses (Y, N)

Y - Include non-graded courses.

N - Include only graded courses.

gradereporting/reports/gradereportingreports/sgr1155currentcycleaveragesfromgradebook.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by