ASCENDER - NYR Payroll Process Quick Checklist

This checklist provides a quick at-a-glance view of the steps listed in the complete ASCENDER - Next Year Payroll Process guide. You can click the step link to open additional information about the step (as it is displayed in the complete guide).

The NYR Payroll Process Quick Checklist guides you through the necessary steps to create next year's payroll. This process includes updating tables and employee information, calculating salaries, performing edits, and interfacing payroll to Budget. This process occurs in the next year and does not interfere with the current year processing.

This document assumes you are familiar with the basic features of the ASCENDER Business system and have reviewed the ASCENDER Business Overview guide.

Created: 02/01/2024
Reviewed: 03/01/2024
Revised: 03/01/2024

Some of the images and/or examples provided in this document are for informational purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA’s process.



Before You Begin

Before you begin:

NYR Payroll Process Quick Checklist

TaskReference the Step in NYR Payroll Process Guide

Update Payroll Current Pay Frequency

Finance > Inquiry > General Ledger Inquiry > General Ledger Inquiry

Verify August EOY payroll accruals.
Step 1
Payroll > Next Year > Copy CYR Tables to NYR > Clear Next Year Tables

Clear all next year (NYR) tables.
Step 2
Payroll > Next Year > Copy CYR Tables to NYR > Copy Current Year Tables

Copy all current year (CYR) tables to next year (NYR).
Step 3

Payroll > Next Year > Copy CYR Staff to NYR

Copy the employees from the current year payroll to the next year payroll. If you have multiple pay frequencies, complete this task in all pay frequencies.

• Under Pay Status, select Active to copy only active employees.
• In the Pay Type field, select E Exclude Substitute.
• Under Options, it is recommended to select Include Employees with Termination Date to copy active employees with a termination date on the Personnel > Maintenance > Employment Info tab.

❏ Click Execute to begin the process of copying the employees.

Step 4
Verify employee data using various reports.Step 5

Update Personnel

Personnel > Tables > Credential

Update Credential tabs as needed.

Note: The Teaching Specialization tab is used to report Pre-K teachers for Class Roster so if there have been changes, you can make those updates now in anticipation of the submission.

Step 6

Personnel > Tables > Salaries NYR

Update the next year salary tables to reflect any changes to the salary schedules (anticipated or known).

Local Annual - This tab is the most commonly used. You can make mass updates by percent or dollar amount, or by employee. To see a change before saving the record, enter the change and click Default. The original annual amount is displayed in the Annual Amt column, the percent or dollar is increased, and the New Amount is displayed. Click Save. If decreasing a salary, enter a negative percent or dollar amount.
Hourly/Daily and Midpoint - These tabs can be updated in the same way if used by your LEA.
Substitute - This tab can be manually updated as needed.
State Min - This tab is updated via a file upload when applicable. These instructions are sent separately with the file as needed.

Step 7
Personnel > Tables > Job/Contract > Job Codes NYR

Add or update job codes as needed.

Note: You can assign accrual codes, Workers’ Comp codes, and FTE hours to lessen the workload when completing tabs for new employees.

Step 8

Personnel > Tables > Workday Calendars

Create calendars.

• Calendars tied to a numeric frequency (e.g., 6) are used for current year.
• Calendars tied to an alpha frequency (e.g., F) are used for next year. Use the spyglass to create or edit calendars as needed.
• You can copy calendars that begin in the same month. Example: If you create the 10-month calendar beginning in August for teachers for 187 days, you can copy the calendar to the Food Service and Bus Driving calendar codes, and then edit them to reflect the differences such as begin dates and holidays.

Step 9
Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic

Update staff demographic data.
Step 10
Personnel > Maintenance > Employment Info

Review retirees and verify that NY Take Retiree Surcharge is selected in order to include the retiree surcharge when the Extract Payroll to Budget process is performed.

Review and update terminated employees. It is best practice to not only update the Termination Date and Reason but, if applicable, update the Auxiliary Role ID and Paraprofessional Certification End Date. Also, update the End Date on the employee's responsibility record.
Step 11

Update Payroll Next Year Pay Frequency

Payroll > Tables > Tax/Deductions

Update the following tabs as needed.

FICA Tax - This tab is used to copy rates from the current calendar year to next calendar year.
Unemployment - This tab can be updated as applicable to your LEA. Some LEA's budget by selecting Taxable while others may select Reimbursable and manually add an amount in Budget. Verify how your LEA is handling unemployment in the current year to determine if you want to continue. You can contact your regional ESC consultant if you need additional assistance but set the next calendar year as desired so calculations will be accurate for the entire year. DO NOT change the current calendar year as that is being used in the current year payroll.
TRS Rates - This tab should have been updated previously. Review for accuracy.
Workers' Compensation - This tab can be updated as rates change. Be sure to verify the accuracy of the rates as some carriers send the rates as decimals and others send as a percentage; therefore, you will need to add the decimal.
Deduction Codes - This tab can be updated as you receive updated information from your TPA or make changes to deductions that are offered. The majority of LEAs import deduction changes for each employee using a file from your TPA. Reviews the table for any necessary changes.

Step 12

Payroll > Tables > Accrual Calendars > Accrual Calendar

Create accrual calendars as needed. Review codes in the current pay frequency to ensure you are duplicating dates and days to the correct group.

• Most districts only accrue 10 employees. If that is true for you, each code should begin with August 31 and show the number of days that group of employees will work in August. Add 12 more lines and enter the true/regular Pay Dates. Enter the days employees work in the month associated with each pay date.
• Typically, July and August (and sometimes June) will show the pay date and zero days, but they still must be included.
• Dates used (with the exception of August 31) must match the Pay Dates that will be built in the Pay Date Table.

Step 13
Payroll > Utilities > Mass Update > Deductions

If applicable, mass update the Employer Contribution and Remaining Payments for all employees with health care and other employer paid deductions.
Step 14

Payroll > Utilities > Mass Update > Employee

Mass update the Pay Step and State Step fields for all employees tied to a salary table. This allows preliminary payroll data to be sent to Budget as a starting point.

Consider repeating this step as follows for each pay type to ensure that all employees are incremented properly.

• For Pay Type 1 (Contracted Employees), increment once for both the Pay Step and State Step.
• For Pay Type 2 (Non-contracted Employees), only increment the Pay Step for these employees as they are not subject to Stat Min making the State Step unnecessary.
• If needed, repeat for Pay Type 3 (Hourly Employees).

Step 15

Payroll > Utilities > Mass Update > Employee

Mass update data as needed. The following fields are commonly updated.

Fiscal Year - If some employees should not be incremented to the next fiscal year, repeat this step only selecting specific employees and mass update them back to the correct fiscal year. An example of this may include those paid with Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Programs.
Contract Begin Date
Contract End Date
Nbr Days Empld
# of Months in Contract
Payoff Date
(Number of) Annual Payments
(Number of) Remaining Payments
(Number of) WC Annual Payments
(Number of) WC Remaining Payments

Step 16

Payroll > Utilities > Mass Update > Extra Duty

Mass update the remaining payments on all extra duties for applicable employees. Complete the Remain Pymts field under Change Existing Extra Duty Code Information.

Step 17
Payroll > Utilities > Mass Update > Salary Calculations

Perform salary calculations for employees. An error report will provide a list of employees not tied to a salary table. Use this list as a reminder of which employees need to be manually updated.
Step 18

Payroll > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info and Distributions

Manually add or update salary information for those employees not tied to salary tables. For example, most often, administrators such as the Superintendent or Principal.

• Manually enter an estimated annual salary amount for pay type 3 (Hourly) employees in order to budget for these employees.
• Add new employees as information becomes available.

Step 19

Verify Accuracy of Data

Verify TRS fields.Step 20
Verify salary calculations.Step 21
Payroll > Utilities > Payroll Simulation > Addendum

Verify data using addendum sheets.
Step 22
Payroll > Utilities > Pre-Edit Payroll Data

Perform “test payroll”.
Step 23
Payroll > Utilities > Employee Benefits Interface > Import Annual File

Perform staff benefits updates.
Step 24

Interface NY Payroll to Budget - These steps can be repeated as often as necessary to update budget data.

Payroll > Next Year > Interface NY Payroll to NY Budget > Extract Payroll Account Codes

Work across the tabs to extract next year payroll data. Review the reports and interface to Budget to provide preliminary budget amounts if needed.
Step 25
Payroll > Next Year > Interface NY Payroll to NY Budget > Extract Reports

Verify the Extract Reports tab.
Step 26
(If necessary) Perform another extract and interface to Budget.Step 27
Payroll > Next Year > Interface NY Payroll to NY Budget > Interface to Budget

Interface to Budget.
Step 28