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Ascender Parent Portal > Alerts

Alerts are messages notifying you if your student has any grades or attendance information of which you should be aware, such as an absence, tardy, or low grade.

  • View Alerts - View alert messages that have been generated according to your alert subscription.
  • Alert Settings - Change your alerts subscription at any time so that you only receive the alert messages you want to see.

By default, you are automatically subscribed to two alerts:

  • Unexcused absence alerts, first occurrence of the day
  • Failing grade alerts

You can change your alerts subscription at any time.

If any of your students have alerts, the number of alerts is displayed next to the alert icon in the top-right corner of every page in the ParentPortal.

On any page in the ParentPortal, click the alert icon in the top-right corner. You can see the two most recent alerts for the student. To view all alerts, you must go to the Alerts page.

View Alerts

View Alerts is the default view.

The number of new, unread alerts is displayed in a red circle.

The complete alert message is displayed under Description. If the student has more than one alert, the alerts are displayed in the order received, with the most recent alert at the top of the list.


  • New, unread alerts are bold.
  • Once you have read an alert, you can select Read. The alert will be no longer be bold.
  • If you select Read accidentally, you can clear the Read check box to change the alert back to unread.
  • You can adjust the page to show or hide any alerts you have already read:
    • To see only new, unread alerts, set View Read Alerts to No.
    • To see all alerts, set View Read Alerts to Yes.

Alert Settings

Click or tap Alert Settings.

There are three categories of alerts: attendance, grade average, and assignment grades.

Alert preferences must be set for each student on your account.

Alert Notification Type

How would you like to receive alerts?

Indicate if you want to receive alert notices at your email address, sent as text messages to your cell phone, or not sent. This field is only displayed if the district has set up notification services.

Email - Receive alert notices by email. This option is only available if you have successfully registered your email address on the My Account page.

Text - Receive alert notices as text messages. This option is only available if you have successfully registered your cell phone number on the My Account page.

No alert - Do not receive alert notifications. You will still be able to view alerts once you have logged on to ParentPortal.


• Text alert notices will not contain the full information contained in the alert. The notice will simply inform you that you have one or more unread alerts in your account. You must log on to ParentPortal to view the alert message.

• If you were receiving email alert notices, and you removed or changed your email address on the My Account page, you will stop receiving alerts until you reset your Alert Notification Type.

Attendance Alerts

Attendance alerts allow you to be notified if your student is marked late or absent.

For each type of absence (Excused, Unexcused, and Tardy), indicate when you want to be notified:

Don't send me alerts - Select if you do not want to be notified of your student's unexcused absences.

Send me an alert for the first occurrence of the day - Select if you only want to be notified of an unexcused absence for the first period the student is absent.

Send me an alert for every occurrence - Select if you want to be notified of all unexcused absences for all periods of the day.

Average Alerts

Average alerts allow you to be notified if the student's grade average in a class falls below a specified grade. By default, you will receive an alert any time the student's grade average in a class falls below failing. You can change the alert by specifying another grade.

Set Custom Average Threshold?

Yes - Change the grade average that triggers an alert.
No - Leave the setting as it is (Current Selection).

Custom Average Threshold

If you selected Yes, type a numeric grade (0-110). Any time your student's average falls below this grade, you will receive an alert.

Assignment Alerts

Assignment grade alerts allow you to be notified if the student receives an assignment grade below a specified grade in any class. By default, you will receive an alert any time the student receives a failing assignment grade in any class. You can change the alert by specifying another grade.

Set Custom Assignment Threshold

Yes - Change the assignment grade that triggers an alert.
No - Leave the setting as it is (Current Selection).

Custom Assignment Grade Threshold

If you selected Yes, type a numeric grade (0-110). Any time your student receives an assignment grade below this grade in any class, you will receive an alert.

Incomplete Assignments

Yes - Receive an alert when the student's assignment is marked as incomplete.
No - Do not receive an alert for incomplete assignments.

Missing Assignments

Yes - Receive an alert when the student's assignment is marked as missing.
No - Do not receive an alert for missing assignments.

alerts.1548877385.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/30 14:43 (external edit)