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If you uploaded any documents, you must create a form with each document in order to make it accessible to parents. If you have English and Spanish versions of documents, you must upload each document individually.

❏ Click Add Form. A pop-up window opens.

<SCREENSHOT - Create form using uploaded document>

Form NameType a name for the new form.
Form InstructionsType any specific district-level instructions for the form. For a Spanish form, provide the instructions in Spanish.
CampusSelect a campus in order to assign the form to a specific campus. Or, select All Campus if the form is used for all campuses in the district.

If you select All Campus, each campus is listed, and you can remove individual campuses if needed.

NOTE: If you select All Campus by mistake, click Clear all to clear all campuses at once.

VisibleSelect Yes if you want the form to visible to parents in ParentPortal.

❏ Select the form from the list in the drop-down field.


❏ Click Add Form. The form is added to the Active Forms list on the left side of the page.

<SCREEN SHOT - Form added>

❏ Repeat for all remaining static documents, including Spanish documents.

academy/admin_forms_create_static.1559145171.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/05/29 10:52 (external edit)