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ASCENDER ParentPortal Admin > Forms Management > Form Creator

Once a form is created, it can be edited, archived, and deleted.

Only static and dynamic forms can be modified or deleted. Default forms cannot be deleted, and only some fields can be updated (TRUE?).

Edit a form:

Under Active Forms:

❏ Hover over the new or existing dynamic form and click the edit icon edit icon.

❏ The form details open in the Edit Form section (right side) where you can edit details as described previously.

❏ Click Save.

Archive a form:

Archiving allows you to retain forms that may still be needed for reporting purposes but are no longer used for data collection. An archived form is still accessible to administrators, but is grouped with other archived forms for organizational purposes. A form can be un-archived at any time.

Under Active Forms:

❏ Hover over the new or existing dynamic form and click the edit icon edit icon.

❏ The form details open in the Edit Form section (right side). Select Archive.

❏ Click Save.

Delete a form:

Under Active Forms:

❏ Hover over the new or existing dynamic form and click the delete icon delete icon.

❏ You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the form. Click OK.

NOTE: You cannot delete a form if it belongs to a group or if data exists for the form (i.e., if a parent has submitted changes associated with the form).

academy/admin_forms_edit_existing.1559221787.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/05/30 08:09 (external edit)