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The Cycle Grades page displays current grade averages for the current cycle, and posted grade averages for previous cycles. For the current semester, you can view the assignment grades for each class. For previous semesters, only the posted average is available.

SemesterSelect the semester you want to view grades for.
Include Withdrawn Courses

Select if you wish to include withdrawn courses.

Cycle Grades is the default view.

Blank GradesChoose whether to show or hide blank grades from the view.

❏ Click the cycle grade to view the assignment grade details for that course-cycle.

The section expands to display all assignments, due dates, and assignment grades, as well as the weight and average for each assignment category in that course.

Expanded view for course

The Citizenship grade, Calculated Average, and Posted Average are also displayed.

❏ Click the close icon Close Grades icon to collapse the expanded view for for a particular course-cycle.

Show AllClick to show assignment grade details for the cycle for all courses.
Hide AllClick to hide the expanded assignment grade details for all courses.

academy/parent_view_student_grades_cycle.1580419268.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/30 16:21 (external edit)