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Site Statistics

ASCENDER ParentPortal Admin > Site Statistics

This page contains two sections:

  • Usage Statistics - Displays statistical information about form usage by parent and form.
  • Individual Form Information - Allows you to view the number of acceptance records for a specific form by district, campus, or parent. The district- and campus-level data can be exported to a spreadsheet as needed.

The form acceptance tables store data that is collected when a parent makes changes online to his student’s registration information or accepts the data that is currently stored in the registration tables.

This page is disabled for campus-level administrative users.

Usage Statistics:

Information about form usage across the district or campus, or for a specific parent/guardian, is displayed. Archived forms are not included in these counts.

The search fields allow you to retrieve a specific user and delete his data for a specific form or all forms. This data may need to be cleared if it was inadvertently accepted or if the parent needs to review the data again before accepting or changing it.

  • For district-level administrative users, statistics for the entire district are displayed by default. To see statistics for one campus, select the campus in the Select a campus field. Or, you can search for a parent/guardian in the district by the parent/guardian's user name or email address to see usage data for any forms he has accepted.

  • For campus-level administrative users, campus-wide statistics are displayed for the campus to which you have access. Or, you can search for a parent/guardian at the campus by the parent/guardian's user name or email address to see usage data for any forms he has accepted.

The following information is displayed:

User Activity
Students registered in txConnect (i.e. student has at least one associated guardian)
Students not registered in txConnect (i.e. student has at least one associated guardian)
Students with online registration activity
Students with no online registration activity
Students with changes to registration data
Students with no changes to registration data
Students with accepted changes
Students with pending changes

To see form data for a specific parent/guardian, use the fields below the statistical data:


Click Search.

A grid displays all forms for all students associated with that parent/guardian.

Note that the Acct Type column displays 0 if the user has made changes to the form data, or displays 1 if the parent has accepted data in the form without making changes.

Individual Form Information:

This section allows you to view data from the Form Acceptance tables. These tables store data that is collected when a parent/guardian makes changes online to his student's registration information or accepts the data that is currently stored in the registration tables. You can retrieve and delete data for a specific form for the entire campus or district, as well as by parent.

If you are viewing data at the district or campus level, you can export the report to a spreadsheet.

Note that different options are available depending on your log on access.

Select a form
View at what level

Export data:

There are two Export buttons: left and right.

  • If you are viewing data at the district level, a district-wide report is generated.
  • If you are viewing data at the campus level, a campus-wide report is generated.

Click the left Export button to export a list of students who have records indicating that the data has been accepted (with or without changes). The report includes the following data: campus, grade level, student name, and contact information for the parent/guardian who accepted the form data.

Click the right Export button to export a list of students who do not have records indicating that the data has been accepted. The report includes the following data: campus, grade level, student name, and the contact information for parent 1.

adminsitestatistics.1558965677.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/05/27 09:01 (external edit)