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Form Group Detail (left)
Language Context
Group Type
Special instructions or information for this form grouping

Any existing forms for the group are listed. Otherwise, the message “No forms have been added” is displayed.

Next to Associated Forms, click Add to add a form to a group.

A grid is displayed allowing you to associate forms with the group.

Any archived forms in the group are highlighted in orange.

Form Name
No Signature

Click Add again to add another form.

The Add button is disabled once there are no additional forms that can be added to a group.

To delete a form from a group, click under Associated Forms.

The form is removed from the list, but it is not actually deleted from the list until you save. If you leave or select another group before saving, the form will remain in the group.

Click Save. The group is listed on the right (Available Groups) under the heading indicated by the Group Type field.

Click Add New Group to add another group. The data in the fields is cleared allowing you to enter another group. Unsaved data is lost.

general/forms_groups_add_new_body.1513360160.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/15 12:49 (external edit)