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txConnect Admin > Administrator Options > Settings > Forms Management > Online Registration

This page allows district-level users to select the forms that must be completed by parents during annual Online Registration.

NOTE: Online Registration refers to forms required annually for students, which is not the same as Student Enrollment.

When Online Registration is enabled at the district, these forms will be displayed to parents when they are logged on to the ParentPortal.

There are three types of forms:

  • Static forms cannot be updated online by parents; they can by viewed, printed, completed by hand, and returned to the campus. Static forms will vary by campus and district, and can be delivered in various formats, such as Microsoft Word, PDF, spreadsheet, etc. Calendars are an example of static documents. Any static forms you upload should be ADA compliant.
  • Dynamic forms are presented online and can be completed and submitted online. These forms may include student online registration and demographic updates, as well as document attachment fields and uploads. Dynamic forms are built from a list of available fields.
    • Available fields:
general/quickview/txconnect_admin_manage_forms_set_up_online_registration.1513023654.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/11 15:20 (external edit)