This page allows you to view data submitted by parents in custom forms.
Your existing custom forms are listed. Active Forms are listed first, and Archived Forms are listed below active forms.
NOTE: Archived forms are forms that may still be needed for reporting purposes but are no longer used for data collection. An archived form is still accessible to administrators, but is grouped with other archived forms for organizational purposes.
Form Name | The name of the custom form is displayed, as entered in Step 1 on the Create Custom Form page. |
Campus | The campuses using the custom form are listed. |
Forms Submitted | The number of form responses submitted by parents is displayed. |
❏ Click View Data to view the answers submitted by parents.
<div indent>The answer data is displayed in a grid below the forms list.
TIP: You can click the column headings to sort data by a particular question.
Excel | Click to export the report as a spreadsheet. |
Column visibility | Click to select which columns to include in the export. |
NOTE: It is recommended that you save a backup copy of the form once all data is gathered.
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