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Select Fields

txConnect Admin > Administrator Options > Settings > Forms Management > Form Fields

This page allows you to set options for the fields that will be used for student enrollment, registration, and data update forms. Examples of fields are first name, last name, middle name, and birth date.

The list of Available Fields is added automatically. For each field, you indicate if the field is visible and add any instructions. By default, all fields are visible and no action is required; however you can hide a field globally and/or add default instructions as needed.

Some districts allow you to select document storage (DOCSTOR_) fields which allow parents to upload supporting registration forms (immunization record, birth certificate, etc.).

Available Fields:

On this page you will set options for the fields. You will add the fields to a form in a subsequent step.

Available Fields (right)

A list of all available fields is displayed.

The list includes the database field name, database table name, and the application with which the field is associated (such as Registration).

HERE'S A TIP: To change the sort order of the grid, click the column heading. Click it once to sort in ascending order. Click it again to sort in descending order.

Click it once to sort the column in ascending order. Click it again to sort the column in descending order.

NOTE: If a Table Name is displayed, any data entered in the corresponding field will be updated in the student's TxEIS Registration pages.


This field indicates if the field is from a vertical table.

• blank = a single record for the student, such as a birth date (i.e., not a vertical table).

• asterisk (*) = multiple records for the student, such as multiple contact records. For example, the demo contact table has a sequence identifier for each person entered.

• (iTCCS only) sequence number = a hard-coded sequence resulting in a static number of multiple-records. If there are two contacts entered, they would have sequence numbers of 01 and 02.


This field indicates if the data in the field can be updated by a parent. This is set automatically and cannot be changed.

True (i.e., yes) indicates that the field can be updated by a parent.

False (i.e., no) indicates that the field cannot be updated by a parent.

Click under Edit to edit settings for a particular field.

The Edit Field Information section is displayed on the left side of the page.

Edit Field Information (left)

Modify information for the selected field as needed.

Selected Field

The database name for the selected field is displayed. For a field in a vertical table, an asterisk or a sequence number is displayed in parentheses next to the field name.

From Table

The database name for the table in which the selected field exists is displayed.

Default friendly display name

A friendly name for the selected field is displayed as it will appear on the form in both English and Spanish.

For example, if the database field name is DOB, the friendly name might be Date of Birth (English) and Fecha de nacimiento (Spanish). The friendly name is set automatically and cannot be changed from this page; however, you can modify the friendly name when you add it to a form in a subsequent step.

Friendly Name
- Friendly field names are automatically provided for both languages.

Is field visible to the user

Yes - Allow the field to be displayed for the parent on a form in txConnect.

No - The field will not be displayed on any forms for parents to see. If No, this setting overrides all other visibility settings.

Will this field require an admin’s review

This field is not in use at this time. Whether you select Yes or No, all changes submitted by a parent must be reviewed by an administrator before they can be reviewed.

Is physical documentation required for changes

This field is not in use at this time.

Default instructions or information for this data

Type any special instructions for the parent that are specific to the field, up to 255 characters.

- Any instructions should be provided in both English and Spanish.

If Spanish instructions are not provided, English instructions will be displayed even if the parent is viewing txConnect in Spanish.

Click Save.

Repeat for each field that will be used in a form.

txConnect Admin > Administrator Options > Settings > Forms Management > Forms

This page allows you to create new forms, as well as delete and edit existing forms. Two types of forms can be created:

  • Static forms can be created using the static documents you have already uploaded.
  • Dynamic forms can be created using the fields you selected in previous steps.

Standard forms are predefined district-level forms that are common throughout Texas. The forms are included automatically and cannot be edited.

A form must be added to a group (or to the Online Registration template) in order to be accessible to parents. You will add the form to a group or to the Online Registration template in a subsequent step.

Available Forms (right)

Any existing forms are listed, including those that are added automatically.

Initially, only standard forms and “New Student” forms are included. These are included automatically and cannot be removed.

The grid displays the form name, type of form (i.e., standard, static, or dynamic), and the campus with which the form is associated (if applicable). If Campus is blank, the form is associated with all campuses in the district.

Note the standard forms:

Several standard forms are included automatically. The Type is set to standard. Standard forms cannot be modified or deleted; the spyglass and delete icons are not available.

Create a new form:

  1. Create a new form using a static document.
  2. Create a new form using a data fields.
  3. Create a new form by copying an existing form.


Click to view the saved changes to the form.

• Only static and dynamic forms can be previewed. New Student Enrollment forms cannot be previewed.

• In the preview window, data cannot be edited or saved.

The form opens in a pop-up window or different tab allowing you to view the form as it will be displayed to parents in txConnect.

general/quickview/txconnect_admin_manage_forms_create_forms.1513012790.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/11 12:19 (external edit)